calculated altitude造句

"calculated altitude"是什么意思   


  1. Information from that instrument is used in calculating altitude and air speed.
  2. The topographer for the Pacific Railroad Surveys, Lt . Johnson K . Duncan, and NAVD88, for calculating altitudes.
  3. Given that exact measurements of both latitude and sea level are required to calculate altitude, the Indian figure has become suspect.
  4. In practice it is not necessary to use zenith distances, which are 90?minus altitude, as the calculations can be done using observed altitude and calculated altitude.
  5. Transponders emit different kind of data like a 4 octal ID ( mode A ), the onboard calculated altitude ( mode C ) or the Callsign ( not the flight number ) ( mode S ).
  6. It's difficult to find calculated altitude in a sentence. 用calculated altitude造句挺难的
  7. Although the calculated altitude was not exactly 100 km, K醨m醤 proposed that 100 km be the designated boundary to space, because the round number is more memorable, and the calculated altitude varies minutely as certain parameters are varied.
  8. Although the calculated altitude was not exactly 100 km, K醨m醤 proposed that 100 km be the designated boundary to space, because the round number is more memorable, and the calculated altitude varies minutely as certain parameters are varied.
  9. Astronauts Aldrin had already set foot on the Moon when Luna 15 fired its main retrorocket engine to initiate descent to the surface at 15 : 47 UT on 21 July 1969 . Transmissions ceased four minutes after de-orbit, at a calculated altitude of.
  10. When he reached a point at which the sun was at a pre-calculated altitude above the horizon, the pilot then made a 90-degree turn to the left ( or right as pre-calculated ) and then flew along this line until the destination was reached.


  1. "calculate to a nicety"造句
  2. "calculate to three decimal places"造句
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  4. "calculated"造句
  5. "calculated address"造句
  6. "calculated amount"造句
  7. "calculated area"造句
  8. "calculated average life"造句
  9. "calculated average local gas"造句
  10. "calculated bending moment"造句

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